ICF-LDIA-Metro Superstore Campaign
Support our cause
Lebanon is suffering, it is sinking below the poverty line. Unemployed, homeless, many parents take only one meal to feed their children, milk is replaced by rice powder and meat has become a luxury…

Most Lebanese are on their knees !!
Guides and procedures for donations
- Secure Donation
Watch to know more
The aim of launching this program is to help the needy Lebanese by securing a food basket that we hope will be monthly through the donations of the Lebanese expatriates.
As we all know, more than 70% of the Lebanese are below the poverty line. The basic need of the Lebanese has become one of the priorities necessary to secure living.
The groups targeted for assistance are every person, family, or several families who live in a state of destitution and struggle to secure their daily bread.
As explained in several videos, list of beneficiaries will be sent by our ICF’s branch in Lebanon to Metro Superstore. Metro superstore will issue debit cards for a specific amount for example of 50, or 75, or 100$, etc. This card will be delivered to the beneficiary by Metro Superstore with coordination with ICF’s branch in Lebanon to make sure that the card will be delivered to the right person in charge. The identity of the beneficiary must be identified and that the need must be verified.
It is worth to note that ICF regularly will be wiring every month the money in US$ from ICF’s Canadian bank account to either ICF Lebanon branch’s bank account in Lebanon (fresh money) or to Metro Superstore who convert the US$ into Lebanese pound at the rate of the day in the open market ( e..g 10,000 LB or 15,000LB, etc.)
The card’s money will be denominated in Lebanese pounds; The cards can be charged automatically; every day the rate is calculated at its corresponding open rate.
The technological infrastructure of metro Lebanon has made this project a target through which it is easy to reach needy people.
The practical way to donate is to do it through this ICF website; Canadian residents will be entitled to tax receipts which allows them to get a reimbursement till up to 40% of the donated amount.
We choose metro Lebanon supermarket because they have the advanced technological infrastructure that makes this project something to be implemented. More than that, they are professional and well organized and well equipped to control the process.
More than that the administrators of Metro have cooperated extensively with us in order to lay the practical and technological foundations for the completion of this program.
Yes, we are opened and honored to cooperate with other Supermarkets if the logistic, cooperation, help, professional cooperation and that they equipped with the needed technology in order to issue cards and manage the process with full transparency. More than that, if we apply the same activity with other providers, so it allows us to cover a larger geographic area in Lebanon, we could exted our activities to cover the main cities for example Tripoli, Zahle, Saida, etc.
Yes, the donated amounts are subject to the acclaimed Canadian accounting offices as well as from the Canadian Revenue Agency.
All this is put in place to implement the ultimate goal, which is to deliver the donated amounts to those who are entitled to them.
As we mentioned earlier, every Canadian resident donor is entitles to receive a tax receipt, which allows every donor to save up to 40% of the donated amount in tax credits; We as ICF, charge 10% of the donated amount in order to cover our expenses, for example, financial fees, PayPal fees ( around 2.26 to 3% as average ) accounting fees, audit fees, website provider and development, technology, etc.
Please note that all ICF staff are volunteers and do not receive any remuneration or any material profit at all. As an example: if you want that the beneficiary will get 100$ net in his pocket, it is recommended that you, as a donor, give 110$; if you get a 40% credit on the 110$; you end up by paying only 66$ net from your pocket and the beneficiary get 100$. It is a win-win charitable act.
The payment options are as follows:
- Interac E-Transfer
To pay by Interac E-Transfer, please send money transfer to: donation@federationicf.org.
Use the word donation as the password to the secret question.
Note: for Canadian resident, to get a tax receipt, you must send us an email with your full name, complete Canadian address and phone number.
- Check
Make check to the order of ICF-SSHD. Send check to this address : 5211 boul. Gouin Est, Montréal, Québec, H1G 6A3, Canada.
Note: for Canadian resident, to get a tax receipt, you must include your full name, complete Canadian address, phone number and email address if applicable.
- PayPal / Credit Card
You could donate online on this ICF website. A video will be posted shortly, which show you how you donate online
How to Donate
list of needy families
Online Donation
Offline Donation
Meet The Team
Elie Kamal
Denise Boustani
Laurette Ziadeh
Paul Imad
Metro superstore

+961 5 951396
+961 5 923256
+961 71 838026
+961 9 851300