We encourage you to join ICF as a member. ICF has the pleasure to offer you the right category of membership based on your profile and your support.
Sharing your influence, your talents and time in supporting the organization’s activities. You may provide ICF with your financial support and telling others about the ICFs charitable work.
In order to keep ICF independant financially and its objectives and values not compromised by any party, pressure group, state, etc and to act professionally and with transparency and full integrity, it is recommended that a member pay a contribution to allows its development; The amount contribution is up to your discretion . Even 1 dollar counts.
Benefits of Joining ICF
- Being a members allows you to get many advantages , like for example of the followings :
- 1- Get in touch and communicate with all other members and build friendship who share same values with respect to families, socializing, etc
- 2- Get discount and privileged services from suppliers of service, products, for example from supermarkets, professionals, lawyers, dentists, notaries, accountants, etc.
- 3- have access to some group insurance products, like, dental, travel (may some conditions applies to create groups)
- 4- benefit from the help of each other in order to build solidarity among mebers
- 5- and so on
- Learning – ICF will provide a unique opportunity for people to learn from their peers.
- Networking – ICF provides the opportunity to network and make new connections with industry peers, make new friends is endless.
- Sharing Experiences – Human beings love to share and showcase their expertise and knowledge. Duringmeetings, members share their challenges and experiences with each other.
- Job Opportunities and exchanging business references for many; a door would openup due to new contacts made amongICF members.
- Meeting Experts – ICF will feature experts’ speakers who share knowledge among ICF members.
- Solutions to Problems – ICF members should be very helpful in helping one another. ICF will feature an online forum enabling interactions between members.
Categories of membership
Please note:
Due to the overall critical situation with respect to Covid 19 and to the economic global crisis, a moratorium takes effect on all mandatory contributions of all members till further notice.
Members and supporters are welcomed to contribute at their discretion. They are highly appreciated.
- Only the persons who are interested to promote the objectives of the corporation can be members; their candidacy should be approved by the board of directors of the corporation.
- There are several categories of members specified:
a. An honour member:
This is a member that enjoys excellent reputation and social conduct. His adherence brings credit to the Foundation and adds value to it. These members do not have a right of voting.b. A senator member
This is a person that enjoys excellent reputation and social conduct. He gives the Foundation his expertise, his knowledge and his financial and moral support. The senator member does not have the right to vote. He should show proof of goodwill to help the Foundation in reaching its objectives, at the same time preserving its impartiality.c. A privileged member
This is each member, that for a health reason, or because he is away or for other personal reasons is obliged to suspend his activities inside the Foundation or one of its sections. This member loses his right of voting, without this exempting him of taking care of the good reputation of the Foundation.d. An active member:
This is a member who gives his time and his energy to the Foundation in addition to paying his contributions. He benefits from the right of vote. He is eligible to all the administrative positions and can be elected to the administrative council. When he is elected or nominated for an administrative position, he becomes an energetic member with all the rights and obligations that are due to him. This member should vow on the Bible, after giving his solemn oath without reserves, in front of an oath committee named by the administrative council for this purpose.e. An energetic member:
This is a member that had become at first an “active member”. If he can be insured, he should subscribe to an insurance policy naming the Foundation as beneficiary. The minimum insurance premium will be determined by the administrative council. If the member cannot be insured, he will pay to the Foundation a sum equivalent to the premium he would have had to pay had he been able to subscribe to the insurance policy. This member has the right to vote during the general assembly and has the right of being elected to the administrative council. He will have to have a solemn oath on the Bible without reserve, in front of an oath committee named by the administrative council for this purpose.f. An affiliated member:
This is a member who has paid his contributions. He can, according to availability, consecrate part of his time that he wishes to the Foundation. He does not have the right to vote and is not eligible to any administrative position. This doesn’t exempt him from keeping the good reputation of the Foundation. - The active and energetic members have to pay a monthly contribution of $15 at least, unless the administrative council takes a decision otherwise.
- The affiliate members pay a monthly contribution of $10 at least, unless the administrative council takes a decision otherwise.
- At its discretion, the Board of directors can decide to give certain members discount on their contribution. For example, full time students and jobless members provided that their financial situation prevent them to pay regularly the mentioned contributions.
- For serious reasons and at its discretion, the Board of directors can decide to give specific privileged members discount or others exemptions regarding the subscription of life insurance.
- A member cannot be member of more than one category at the same time. A member can apply for a category change. To be approved, his application should be submitted to the vote of the members of the board of directors of 2/3 (two thirds) of all present and non present members of the Board.
- A member can withdraw from the organization by sending it a written notice and sending a copy of the document to the secretary of the organization.
- All active and energetic members who are absent for three consecutive sessions from participating in the meetings or the activities of the Foundation will be automatically transferred to the category of affiliate members.
- All active and energetic members who are absent for three months from participating in the meetings or the activities of the Foundation will be automatically transferred to the category of affiliate members.
- All active and energetic members who are absent for three consecutive months from the activities of the Foundation, even if they are taking part in the meetings will be automatically transferred to the category of affiliate members.
- All active and energetic members who try to short-cut in an intentional way the provisions of articles 11, 12 and 13 will be subject of a reevaluation of their membership status and their behavior for a period of at least one year. The administrative council will decide on their cases with absolute majority and take the necessary decision.
- The administrative council, with a majority of two-thirds will decree a temporary moratorium on the application of clauses 11;12;13 and 14 if it sees that such a decision permits an easier start for the Foundation.
- Any member, whichever the category of his membership, who does not pay his contributions for six consecutive months, will lose his membership if the majority of the administrative council votes in this direction.
- Any member, whichever the category of his membership, that commits acts that are incompatible with the goals of the foundation that harms its reputation or limits its functions, will lose his membership.